Oh my goodness....if this were a child, I would be arrested for neglect. Life has totally gotten in the way of everything! But I think I am re-energized! :)
I just got back from the TAC Seminar 2008 and all I can say is WOW! I am so excited! Our Inspiration Books keep getting better and better. I love all of the new sets! I don't think I can find one that I could look over. We had so much fun! I love seeing all of the angels that you do not get to see on a regular basis. The trading was phenomenal! ALL of the trades I got were top notch! Keep up the good work angels!!
S.A.S.S.Y.s had a real presence at seminar this year. I think our final number of attendees was 17. I had a blast. Before, I say anymore, I have a little story to tell you...
My mom and I were supposed to go to Leadership in San Antonio in January, but at the last minute, unforeseen circumstances kept us in Chicago. We were sad but we knew that my stamp Mom and Sisters would bring back lots of samples and info. At the team meeting following the event, I was presented with Neon, a neon green monkey and a scrapbook. Turns out, my stamp Mom and Sisters saw this monkey and decided to have me there in presence. Holy Cow!!! Talk about awesome!!! They took pictures of Neon doing everything I would have done on the trip (well there was a picture of her sitting on Pat's head. :) If I would have attempted this, Pat would no longer be with us!! LOL!!!) Anyhoo, talk about love!! So I decided to take Neon with us to Seminar and let everyone see her and the scrapbook the S.A.S.S.Y.s had made me.
OK, so now that you know the foundation, you might understand the rest of the story. So Neon had a team shirt, a team bracelet, and her adopted mother, Lezli, even gave her wings. I don't think I could have asked for a better team!! Everyone is so different, it is great! I stayed up late, talked, (ok, so when do I shut up?), laughed, and really enjoyed getting away from reality.
Now that I am home, I really intend to do things differently. I have made the decision that I either need to make this happen, or I need to give up. I have gotta get off my butt!!
OK.....was this post long enough for one night? I will leave you with a few pictures from Just Dream 2008.
I think Lori was yelling at me...LOL!!
Linda, Karen, & Neon. Aren't they cute?
My Mom and Char.....they are cute too!!!